Trump and Sanders: The Common Thread

Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

To the dismay of some. To the excitement of others.

His first week has been very busy and he has started to push several issues that have caused a lot of controversy. I didn't expect any less.

As I watched the news, look at social media and watch the late night talk shows, I still wondered how we got to this point.

I started looking at my favorite politician (Bernie Sanders, if you must know) and
his campaign and I saw a common thread. Both Trump and Sanders spoke about Washington elites and how they were detrimental to America...and they are right.

"People at the top convince people in the middle that the people at the bottom are the problem."

I read this quote somewhere and it really resonated with me. It is mostly about two things 1) the philosophy that keep the American people down 2) a distraction from the real problem: greed.

President Trump ran on the promise to "Drain the Swamp" and clean up Washington and Senator Bernie Sanders spoke about making Wall Street paying their fair share. These points ring true with most Americans. In my opinion, both are putting undue stress on the shrinking middle class.  The middle class used to be the strength of this country. The perfect example of the American Dream. Come to America, get a good paying job, feed your family, retire and be taken care of for the rest of your life. Sounds good. Sign me up.

Whether it is corporate greed, cost of living, insurance rates, immigrants or any other number of reasons, the middle class is getting squeezed out and hurt Americans look for someone to blame.

President Trump, after winning the nomination pointed to the bottom. Senator Sanders, during his campaign pointed to the top. While I think Trump vs. Sanders would have been a great campaign, the DNC seemingly put their money on Hillary Clinton, who could be classified to some as a "political elite" which both Trump and Sanders condemned.

Political elites, in some minds, are politicians who go to Washington with good intentions and seem to be corrupted by corporate lobbyist money and then forget about their constituents until it is time for re-election. When you are elected by the people, you should work for the people who got your into office. The basic principle of democracy. Pretty simple. When you don't do your job, you should not have your job anymore. Also simple. Politicians get the reputation for being liars because of things like that.

We have to come together and "Drain the Swamp" as a people. We need to hold the people the WE put into office accountable and make sure that they are looking out for our best interests and not their own.

Real change never occurs from the top on down, [but] always from the bottom on up.
-Bernie Sanders

So why don't we? Why are we not marching in the street demanding that our politicians fight for us?

Divide and Conquer.

Party lines divide us. Race divides us. Economic status divides us. While we are busy squabbling over these issues, corrupt politicians are running rampant, padding their pockets at the expense of our well being. If we as an American people just forgot about our differences and found common ground, we could make this country so much better. Focus on those who are meant to work for us and not those who are different from us.

Keep pushing...


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