Movement or Revolution?

"Hence the name: movement. It moves a certain distance, then it stops, you see? A revolution gets its name by always coming back around in your face."

-William Stranix played by Tommy Lee Jones in "Under Siege"

The Black Lives Matter movement is just that. A movement. We march, we cry, we go on TV, we make t-shirts or posters, we make social media posts. What comes of it? Nothing. We seemingly remain silent until another injustice happens and then we are back to hash tag a victim's name. Hash tags indicate trends. Trends only last until another trend replaces it. It's a vicious cycle...

So, where is the problem?

Is it the system?

Is it that every time we start to get rolling people either take a small percentage of agitators who wrongly attack police and fly them in front of the media screaming, "SEE! THE BLACK LIVES MATTER IS A HATE GROUP! THEY HATE WHITE PEOPLE AND POLICE!" or they point at black on black crime statistics and say, "WHY AREN'T YOU MARCHING AGAINST THIS?! WHERE IS (insert perceived black leader here) NOW?!!!" or they take the more passive "#ALLLIVESMATTER" approach?

Then answers to those criticisms, no matter how eloquently spoken, or posted on social media will not sway people who are against BLM. We are fighting the perception of black people in America.

Here is a recent example to explain:

Not all snakes are poisonous. I know that. But that is the sum of my knowledge on snakes. Recently, I was going outside to check the mail and there was a snake at my front door and my first thought was, "This snake is dangerous. What if it gets into the house and bites my son, wife, dog or me? It could kill me or my family. I have to kill it first." I went to get my shovel and when I came back the snake was gone. After posting the picture on Facebook, I was told the snake was a king snake and kills poisonous snakes and was basically harmless to me.

See the parallel?

So, are we going to keep jumping on movements and get from point A to point B? Or are we going to get on the revolution? The revolution starts with tearing down society's idea of the black man and rebuilding our image. Rebranding ourselves.

That is all I wanted to say on this. For now. This blog was meant to better your individual self as I try to better myself but with the terrible things that happened this week, I had to post something.

Let's love each other, people!!


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