Change Your Atmosphere

Do you ever think about your environment?  Your "atmosphere"?

I recently began thinking about my environment. My work environment. My home environment. What I surround myself with.

The only way that you can be successful at anything is to immerse yourself in it. Get in it's atmosphere. LeBron James did not pick up a basketball the first time and dunk. (For the LeBron haters, Stephen Curry probably didn't hit the first three he shot. Happy?) Jay-Z's first rhyme probably sucked. Warren Buffet has lost plenty of money on investments. So on an so forth. They knew they wanted to be masters of their craft so they immersed themselves in their fields.

Atmosphere is not only surrounding yourself with the craft but also with people within the craft. I believe one of the ways to alter your atmosphere and enhance your environment is the mentor - mentee relationship.  We have all been both at some time in our life. You can learn a lot being taught by someone ahead of you on the path and teaching someone following you on the path. Obviously, listening to someone ahead of you will help you avoid the snares and pitfalls that life has for you. Being a mentor will not only give you a sense of gratitude, but it will also solidify the knowledge that you already have.

So, what atmosphere are you in? If you are in an atmosphere of mediocrity, then you will never rise above that. If you are in the atmosphere of poverty or scarcity, you will not overcome it. It is easy to change your atmosphere. Find out what you want, find a website or group or forum that hosts it and connect with people. The work comes in not just being in the atmosphere but letting it soak into you. Plugging it into your mindset. Change the atmosphere and then let the atmosphere change you!

Keep pushing!!


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