Election 2016

Political posts are really not my thing. When I envisioned this blog, I wanted to be a source of inspiration and wanting people to be their best selves. Politics, while essential, divides us as a nation. We pick a party. We pick sides on issues and instead of hearing each other out, we fight to get our own way pushed through.

Donald Trump tapped into a frustration by middle class Americans who feel like their government doesn't care about them. I understand that. I felt the Bern and he tapped into that same frustration. The difference is that Donald Trump points to the bottom and says that is the problem while Bernie Sanders points to the top 1% and says that they are the problem. Here is where the trouble comes in.

The Democratic National Convention chose to go with Hillary Clinton. The reason that Hillary did not resonate with millenials is because she represented what they saw as the problem. The 1%. The political elite of the Democratic party believed that Secretary Clinton would waltz into the White House and she would have except for one thing. The stench of corruption.

Hillary Clinton could've been a saint. She could have fed the poor and healed children. Hell, she could have even found a cure for cancer, AIDS and diabetes at one time and still would not have been elected. The corruption accusations have followed the Clintons for 30 years. Whitewater, emails, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, DNC seemingly sabotaging the Bernie Sanders campaign, the FBI, etc.

What the Donald Trump camp did beautifully is that first they tapped into the emotions of some of the Republican base, firing up people. Second instead of saying how he would be great for this country he instilled fear by saying how bad Clinton would be for this country. Every time a scandal would come up involving Trump, his supporters and delegates would immediately deflect and turn the spotlight back on Clinton. Even though I did not agree with Trump, I found myself drinking the Kool-aid and having a slight mistrust for Clinton. In my times alone, I would think, "Why do I dislike her? Why don't I trust her?" Same for Trump. I had a mistrust and dislike for him as well. I know he said some terrible crap but the whole Clinton "super predator" bomb left a nasty taste in my mouth.

Election night. I decide I am not watching. I am just going to go to bed and find out the results in the morning. My dog decides that she needs to go out at 1:30 in the morning, so I take her out. The curiosity is killing me and I turn to CNN. Hillary Clinton loses Florida. Then Ohio goes to Trump. At this point I know it's over and now I can't sleep. "What am I going to do?" I thought to myself. I thought I was in for four years of hurt, pain and suffering.

Then, I had a thought. Why do I think the person I voted for would change the rules in my favor? Why do I think that some one would be elected and say, "Okay, now let's do what Varnell wants to do."  That's stupid.

It is time to do what is right for you and your family and instead of trying to change the rules of the game that have been set up by majority of Americans, learn the rules and play the game better than anybody else. Find how President Trump moves and stay nimble. Instead of waiting for help, I need to go out and help myself.

That is the message help yourself. Help other help themselves and keep moving toward your best you. We cannot let hate and fear push us down the road to destruction. Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States and we have to accept it. That does not mean we don't need to hold him accountable and make sure he looks out for all Americans. Anger without work is futile and will wear you out. Let's get to work....


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