Stuck in the Middle

For the sake of full disclosure, I registered as a Democrat when I began voting because my Mom and my family were all Democrats and I just thought that was what I was supposed to do. As I got older, I realized that it is not about party, but who is best for the country. I started looking closer at some of the politicians and I feel more like an Independent. Liberal on some issues, conservative on others.

As the first days of President Trump's administration are unfolding, I am starting to see something very disturbing. The Republican party seems to be quiet as President Trump puts out executive orders that are causing outrage and the Democratic party is putting up as much fight as a plastic sack in a windstorm. So, when we want someone to stand up for the people, where do we go?

On the Right, President Trump said he wanted to "Drain the Swamp" and immediately attempted to hire some of the 1% to run the country.  I understand voting for Trump for change but seeing his cabinet picks has to be concerning.

Starting the wall he promised only to make the American people pay for it claiming that Mexico will pay for it at a "later date" goes against what fiscal conservatives stand for then suggesting a 20% tariff that would pass the cost to the consumer. (I love guacamole. Please don't take it away from me!)

The wall will possibly cost $12 billion up to $40 billion according to MIT estimates. Here is the link:

Taking the steps to repeal the Affordable Care Act with no replacement possibly costing the American people $350 billion dollars over roughly 10 years.
(Here's the link to the nonpartisan report

Now with all this (and probably more by the time I post this), Republicans still either stand behind their leader or are too afraid to say anything about how much this is going to hurt the people that put them into office.

On the other side, Democrats are looking weak. While American people are out marching and protesting, Democratic "leadership" are sitting on the sidelines with their hands in their pockets. Democrats were painted as elitists during the 2016 election and their behavior is almost proving their accusers correct. The silence from the left is deafening. If you standby while America is looted, you are complicit. That might be a little dramatic, however this goes to holding politicians accountable. People voted for you under the belief that you would work for them and, while this loss of the presidency and the congress felt like a punch in the gut, don't just lay there. Get up! Do something!

So, who so we turn to? Who do we get to fight for us?

There is an awakening. People have realized that if the politicians don't do their jobs and represent us, we need to speak for ourselves and they may need to find other employment. I think the days of politicians getting elected, going to Washington, working for their own interests only to come back every few years to shake hands and kiss babies for re-election to repeat the cycle are coming to an end. People are fed up with their representation in Washington and I get it.

Get out there with other like minded people and start meeting people. Start groups, clubs, Facebook pages, Twitter groups, or whatever and organize. Stop waiting for someone to save you and pull yourselves up and remind politicians that they work for us. Hold them accountable!!

(Full disclosure again: I really did not want this blog to be about politics. I personally hate politics. Politics divides us and I hate that. Politics makes us lazy and dependent and I hate that, too. On the other hand, I want this blog to help someone, so if this is the avenue I have to take to do it, so be it.)

Keep Pushing, guys....


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