Father's Day

As we celebrate Father's Day, I, of course think about the relationship with my father and my future relationship with my son.

Some of you may know that my father divorced my mother and left us when I was 13 years old. This has left a lasting impact on my life, of course. Self-esteem issues, problems with relationships, etc. My father has missed some big moments in my life. It has taken a lot of time, thought, meditation and prayer to open myself back up to him, but I have.

We have discussed the past and he has apologized. I have listened and I understand his situation he was in and the fact that God has worked on his heart and has done some mighty things in his life. I am no longer mad at him.  Our relationship is much better but we still have work to do. It also helps that he stepped up at the time I needed him the most.

In December of 2015, my mother passed. It was fairly sudden and no one in my family was really ready for it. However, while my family support system came together and we all held each other up, the most important person there was my dad. He absorbed all the hurt between he and my mother, whatever everyone thought of him and the splintered past and he showed up. I'll never forget him embracing me outside of the church and telling me he understood (my paternal grandmother passed 10 years earlier). That meant more to me than he will ever know.

I have a 2 year old son and my dad has been as good of a grandfather he can be from where he is (he lives 8 hours away).  I try to be a good father. I've thought about my relationship with my son and my father's relationship with me.  If him leaving had a silver lining, I guess I would say it is that I now have a rock solid resolve for my son to have his father at every turn. I know the joy of having my father at football practice cheering me on. At home cracking jokes and doing what it takes to make me laugh. I also know the pain of my father not being at my high school graduation. Not being there when I've had my heartbroken.

So, this Father's Day, I encourage fathers everywhere to do their best. Your child is watching you. Oh, and keep pushing...


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