
Showing posts from January, 2017

Stuck in the Middle

For the sake of full disclosure, I registered as a Democrat when I began voting because my Mom and my family were all Democrats and I just thought that was what I was supposed to do. As I got older, I realized that it is not about party, but who is best for the country. I started looking closer at some of the politicians and I feel more like an Independent. Liberal on some issues, conservative on others. As the first days of President Trump's administration are unfolding, I am starting to see something very disturbing. The Republican party seems to be quiet as President Trump puts out executive orders that are causing outrage and the Democratic party is putting up as much fight as a plastic sack in a windstorm. So, when we want someone to stand up for the people, where do we go? On the Right, President Trump said he wanted to "Drain the Swamp" and immediately attempted to hire some of the 1% to run the country.  I understand voting for Trump for change but seeing his

Trump and Sanders: The Common Thread

Donald Trump is the President of the United States. To the dismay of some. To the excitement of others. His first week has been very busy and he has started to push several issues that have caused a lot of controversy. I didn't expect any less. As I watched the news, look at social media and watch the late night talk shows, I still wondered how we got to this point. I started looking at my favorite politician (Bernie Sanders, if you must know) and his campaign and I saw a common thread. Both Trump and Sanders spoke about Washington elites and how they were detrimental to America...and they are right. "People at the top convince people in the middle that the people at the bottom are the problem." I read this quote somewhere and it really resonated with me. It is mostly about two things 1) the philosophy that keep the American people down 2) a distraction from the real problem: greed. President Trump ran on the promise to "Drain the Swamp" and clean

New Year. New Thoughts.

Every year, especially in social media, people see this day as an opportunity for a fresh start. They say, "New Year, New Me." I usually don't have a problem with it, but if you keep doing the same things in the current year you do in the previous years, you will get the same results. If you really want to be a new you, it starts with your thinking. When you seriously start to monitor and change your thoughts, then your life will start to bend to your way of thinking. Some people consider 2016 as the worst year because an unpopular political novice became president after a grueling and scandal filled campaign on both sides, giants of the entertainment world passed away and probably some personal stuff on top of that. While I did not vote for our president elect (my guy Bernie lost in the playoffs) and some entertainers' passing hurt more than others (Muhammad Ali, Prince, Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds within a couple of days to think of a few), I ca