
Showing posts from November, 2016

Election 2016

Political posts are really not my thing. When I envisioned this blog, I wanted to be a source of inspiration and wanting people to be their best selves. Politics, while essential, divides us as a nation. We pick a party. We pick sides on issues and instead of hearing each other out, we fight to get our own way pushed through. Donald Trump tapped into a frustration by middle class Americans who feel like their government doesn't care about them. I understand that. I felt the Bern and he tapped into that same frustration. The difference is that Donald Trump points to the bottom and says that is the problem while Bernie Sanders points to the top 1% and says that they are the problem. Here is where the trouble comes in. The Democratic National Convention chose to go with Hillary Clinton. The reason that Hillary did not resonate with millenials is because she represented what they saw as the problem. The 1%. The political elite of the Democratic party believed that Secretary Clinton