
Showing posts from October, 2015

First Post

I created this blog about 3 months ago. It has taken me that long to post my first entry because of fear. Fear of how it will be received.  Fear of how I will be perceived. Fear of sounding pretentious or like I have it all together because Lord knows I don't. Writing is therapeutic to me. I discovered the healing power of writing after a hard break-up. Actually, calling it a "break-up" is not really accurate.  It was really a stagnant loser watching his girlfriend grow and flourish and resenting it. I really don't know how she did not leave me earlier. It was 2006 and . I have a steady (I was 26 years old. No real job, no money, no prospects and no real motivation to change. She was 22, in college and focusing on her music, trying to make something of herself and have rich, fulfilling life experiences. Shortly after we ended our relationship, I was given a temporary job. My mother knew the manager and I got the hook up. It was a paper pushing job basically and I